Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hai everyone....
hehehe...last night i have post about how desperate i am to learn english...
so today i want to share some video about how to learn english...
Mister Duncan from England have said that to learn english we must have a confident and practice everyday...but most important thing is...learn to speak english in a fun way....dont rushed...(actually i am rush)...hehehe...
so have fun to watch this video....and i know everyone can do said it loudly....I CAN DO IT..!!!!

so inspired right...hehehe....with confident lets begin our learn english...hehehe...
good luck...

Saturday, July 9, 2011


its been long time...i'm not update my blog..
actually i want to shout....yeaaaaaaah!!!!!!
wanna know why???
cause i am finish my study....heheheheh...for those that not finished yet..i'm sorry cause i cant hide my feeling..hehehe...
3 years i am struggle to hold a degree now it pay off...
actually i am not finish my study officially cause i'm still need to done my industrial MMHE SDN BHD...want to know what this company do search at this web www.­mmhe.­com.­my..MMHE is good place for those that interested in oil and gas industry...seriously...
Back to our main topic...(time to learn english)actually i am in the process to get a to have it i need to perform either in work skill or communication skill.... when talk about communication skill...its related with English.....yaaaaa.... English.....mine is worst..people like me..difficult to communicate in english...why??? this is why...
  1. when i'm speak english with my friend...they will said like this..."arghhh...poyo la ko ni...nak cakap omputih plak...kite kan org melayu cakap la melayu..." than i lough...together with them and stop learn to speak omputih...hehehe
  2. when i'm at the english class my teacher will teach in you think what your teacher teach is efficient...??? hmmm....maybe i get an A for my english...but not in communication i wright???
  3. It about myself...hmm...ya its actually about myself, my effort to learn weakness is..I AM LAZY TO READ!!!!....i wish i can accept goverment campaign (kempen membca buku)...ya ...i'm struggle now...i start reading lyric...from english song...hehehe..also read right...:p
So, how to solve all the problem...hmm...
  1. Said to you friend....(ada aku kisah..hehehe...)...seriously...its for yourself...start to speak english with you friend...(tapi jgn la melampau sgt kang ad kene panampar ngn kawan tu hah..)...
  2. Teacher...hmm...please not just teach us english...please...teach us how to communicate in what you have to do...but please make sure that all your student know that communication in english is important...for future...(look what happen to me..hmm..:(...)
  3. From right now on i will
  • write in english
  • speak in english
  • learn to read an english book
  • and of cause i need to learn grammar..
seriously...english is important for me now...wanna know why?? cause as fresh graduate to attend interview at MMHE there are three test that i must face:
  1. I need to talk about general knowledge (IN ENGLISH...for sure)
  2. I need to write an essay (also IN ENGLISH...for sure)
  3. Role play (of cause....kene cakap omputih....)..
hmmmm....that why i'm struggle....actually...if anyone here know how to learn english...efficiently...please tell me...i am desprate...hehehe....
p/s; sorry for my bad english...i am in learning process....