Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The 10 Biggest Skin Mistakes You Can Make

1. Using tanning beds. In case you haven’t heard, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified tanning beds as a known carcinogen (i.e. cancer-causer). And if you want to accelerate the formation of wrinkles and/or get skin cancer and unsightly brown spots, using a tanning bed is the best way to do it.
2. Not using SPF daily. One unpublished study by Unilever showed that using just SPF 5 every day for five years prevented significant sun damage. Do yourself and your skin a favor and use a moisturizer with at least SPF 15. You’re moisturizing anyway, right? Most people do not apply enough sunscreen, so using an SPF of 15 should give you at least an SPF of 5.
3. Getting too much sun. 10 to 15 minutes of unprotected sun a few times a week can help your body get its vitamin D fix, but if you’re sitting outside at Starbucks for an hour a day without sunscreen, your skin will remind you years from now.
4. Using the wrong cleanser. If dryness is an issue, a foaming cleanser will only make matters worse. Two of the best cleansers for dry skin are Estée Lauder Soft Clean Tender Crème Cleanser and CeraVe hydrating cleanser. Oily types beware! A cleanser that’s too rich can send oily skins’ sebaceous glands into overdrive. The best cleanser for oily skin is a foaming cleanser such as Vichy Normaderm Deep Cleansing Gel. Combination skin types will like Paula’s Choice Hydralight One Step Facial Cleanser. If you do not know whether your skin is oily or dry, take the free quiz at www.SkinTypeSolutions.com. (Lists of cleansers that are best for each skin type can also be found in my bestselling book, The Skin Type Solution.)
5. Not using a retinoid. I am often asked “What is the best night cream to prevent aging?” In my opinion, the family of vitamin A creams known as retinoids are the best night creams and I believe that everyone over the age of 20 should be using aretinoid at night. This may help prevent aging and will smooth wrinkles you already have along with preventing acne and exfoliating the skin.
6. Over-exfoliating. How do you know how much to exfoliate? The answer is… It depends on your Baumann Skin Type. If your skin is dry, too much exfoliation strips lipids from the skin, and sensitive types can experience even more inflammation. Exfoliation is best for oily, resistant types.
7. Using daytime moisturizer if you have oily skin. If you’re on the oily side, skip the moisturizer and go straight to the sunscreen. Sunscreens have hydrating ingredients and very oily types make their own fatty acids, so they don’t need a moisturizer. (If you have dry spots, apply moisturizer only to those areas.) Everyone’s skin feels tight after cleansing, since it takes about 30 minutes for oil glands to replenish the skin—so see how your skin feels after 45 minutes and then you’ll know if you need moisturizer. Even better, take the quiz atSkinTypeSolutions.com to determine if your skin is oily.
8. Paying too much for skincare. Are expensive skincare products better? You don’t always get what you pay for. Check out this article to learn when to save and when to splurge on skin care products.
9. Not knowing your skin type. If you don’t know your Baumann Skin Type, you’re probably using the wrong products. Using the right ingredients can make a significant difference in the appearance of your skin.
10. Not getting a full-body skin exam every year. Think of this as a birthday present for your birthday suit—especially if you’ve had two or more bad sunburns in your lifetime. Find a dermatologist at www.aad.org.
for more info you can search this website 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Salam Ramdhan to all muslim over the world...hehehe..(jangan ponteng puase yekkk..)
Well.. tommorow i will have an interview...ermm...actually its open interview..everyone can attend this interview..
this is the piece of the advertisment about the interview

So, fresh graduate as me must grab this opportunity...ya...just do it diyana...hehehe..
'MMHE'..big name huh...so that company was the one who organize this interview...
before i attend this interview i need to preparing some documentation..so what is it;
  1. resume 
  2. certificate
  3. result 
  4. file
  5. copy of resume
  6. last but not list my knowledge preparation..hehehe..(technical and general knowledge)
am i prepared??..
yuppp i am...hehehe...but is it my soul is really prepared...my confident level, my knowledge..and most important thing my english...arrghhhh...a bit stress...
But InsyaAllah by His help i think I CAN DO IT......!!!..
pray for me my friend...(actually there are no friend in this blog..but if there someone who read my blog...please pray for me ya...)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hai everyone....
hehehe...last night i have post about how desperate i am to learn english...
so today i want to share some video about how to learn english...
Mister Duncan from England have said that to learn english we must have a confident and practice everyday...but most important thing is...learn to speak english in a fun way....dont rushed...(actually i am rush)...hehehe...
so have fun to watch this video....and i know everyone can do it....so said it loudly....I CAN DO IT..!!!!

so inspired right...hehehe....with confident lets begin our journey..to learn english...hehehe...
good luck...

Saturday, July 9, 2011


its been long time...i'm not update my blog..
actually i want to shout....yeaaaaaaah!!!!!!
wanna know why???
cause i am finish my study....heheheheh...for those that not finished yet..i'm sorry cause i cant hide my feeling..hehehe...
3 years i am struggle to hold a degree now it pay off...
actually i am not finish my study officially cause i'm still need to done my industrial training...at MMHE SDN BHD...want to know what this company do search at this web www.­mmhe.­com.­my..MMHE is good place for those that interested in oil and gas industry...seriously...
Back to our main topic...(time to learn english)actually i am in the process to get a job...so to have it i need to perform either in work skill or communication skill.... when talk about communication skill...its related with English.....yaaaaa.... English.....mine is worst..people like me..difficult to communicate in english...why??? this is why...
  1. when i'm speak english with my friend...they will said like this..."arghhh...poyo la ko ni...nak cakap omputih plak...kite kan org melayu cakap la melayu..." than i lough...together with them and stop learn to speak omputih...hehehe
  2. when i'm at the english class my teacher will teach in english...but....do you think what your teacher teach is efficient...??? hmmm....maybe i get an A for my english...but not in communication skill...am i wright???
  3. It about myself...hmm...ya its actually about myself, my effort to learn it...hmmm...my weakness is..I AM LAZY TO READ!!!!....i wish i can accept goverment campaign (kempen membca buku)...ya ...i'm struggle now...i start reading lyric...from english song...hehehe..also read right...:p
So, how to solve all the problem...hmm...
  1. Said to you friend....(ada aku kisah..hehehe...)...seriously...its for yourself...start to speak english with you friend...(tapi jgn la melampau sgt kang ad kene panampar ngn kawan tu hah..)...
  2. Teacher...hmm...please not just teach us english...please...teach us how to communicate in english...do what you have to do...but please make sure that all your student know that communication in english is important...for future...(look what happen to me..hmm..:(...)
  3. From right now on i will
  • write in english
  • speak in english
  • learn to read an english book
  • and of cause i need to learn grammar..
seriously...english is important for me now...wanna know why?? cause as fresh graduate to attend interview at MMHE there are three test that i must face:
  1. I need to talk about general knowledge (IN ENGLISH...for sure)
  2. I need to write an essay (also IN ENGLISH...for sure)
  3. Role play (of cause....kene cakap omputih....)..
hmmmm....that why i'm struggle....actually...if anyone here know how to learn english...efficiently...please tell me...i am desprate...hehehe....
p/s; sorry for my bad english...i am in learning process....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


exam dalah salah satu perkara, benda n ap2 la yg plg ak x suke...
hehehe...kenape bile belajar mst ad exam?
kan bagus kalo exam tuh xde...semonye diukur dari segi praktikal n teknikal..n etc..
sbb...kalo keje pun bukan nye ad sgt pun ap yg kt peksekan..
hehehe...boleh x sape usulkan pada kerajaan..hehehe..agar tiada exam utk pelajar malaysia..haaha..berangan jek la...cik sepi oi...huhu..

tp realitinye exam 2 penting...utk mengthui thp kemampuan n kefahamn kite ms belajar..
kalo x, baik xyah belajar...yek dakkk...
so study la utk ms hadapan yg cerah..
hehehe..utk follower ku iaitu 1+1 =34 2...doakanla kejayaan ku di menara gading..kerana kamu sahajala kawan ku disini..hahahhaa...

(post ni ditulis swaktu ak tersngkut dalam rumus2ku...).....:P comelkan...hehehe

Friday, April 16, 2010


When was the last time you went through a period of stress? Can you remember the way your body reacted? Chances are you didn't feel quite like yourself. Health experts say that stress can come with some pretty surprising symptoms-from forgetfulness to nausea to skin rashes. Is your body sending you an S.O.S. that you shouldn't ignore? Read on to find out if stress is taking a toll on you-and what you can do to reverse the effects.

1. Tweaked Muscles
The pain in your neck that you attributed to long hours at the computer could actually be a symptom of stress. "Stress definitely affects our musculoskeletal system, resulting in tight, contracting muscles and/or spasms in muscles," explains Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, MS, PT, a psychologist and physical therapist in Wexford, Pennsylvania, and author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. "It gets us ready for fight-or-flight, although unlike our cavewomen ancestors, we don't actually need our bodies to react like this." If you're experiencing what you believe to be stress-related muscle symptoms, try this exercise: Take 5 to 10 deep breaths and focus on relaxing the tense area of your body, says Dr. Lombardo. For the neck, try gentle neck rolls or enlist your husband to give you a quick shoulder rub.

2. Eye Twitching
Have you ever had an eye twitch? The often temporary condition can be annoying and worrisome, and for some, can be triggered by stress. "This condition is known as blepharospasm," explains Debbie Mandel, MA, a stress and wellness expert and author of Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7-Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. "Closing your eyes and visualizing your happiest place on earth will help." Also, avoid stress-related eye issues by giving your peepers a break now and then. "If your eyes get stressed from detailed work at the computer, 'stretch' them every 20 minutes by looking out the window at a larger landscape," suggests Mandel. "If you have no view, close your eyes and imagine a panorama."

3. Ragged Cuticles
Do you have ragged, unkempt cuticles or nails? Their condition could be the result of a stress-induced nervous habit. "Nervous habits like nail-biting are how we channel our stress by distracting ourselves with what is known as oral satisfaction," says Mandel, adding that picking nails and cuticles is also a common way for women to deal with feelings of stress and anxiety. If you take stress out on your hands, consider keeping a stress ball in your desk drawer-something you can squeeze or knead when on the phone with a difficult client, for instance. This helps "squeeze the stress out of your body," says Mandel.

4. Cavities
We all know that slacking off on dental hygiene is the first way to get cavities, but stress can also be a culprit, say experts, especially when you're grinding your teeth at night or during the day. Mandel explains teeth grinding, which many women do, as "chewing over the day's stressors." The problem, however, is that this bad habit can erode dental work, damaging your teeth and making them more susceptible to cavities. Mandel suggests redirecting your anxiety to pen and paper. "Set aside time to write down your problems to see them objectively in black and white, and then jot down some solutions," she says. But, she adds, "If teeth grinding is severe, see a dentist about getting a mouth guard."

5. Rashes
It sounds strange, but your skin can be a pretty good barometer of your stress level. "Stress can cause a rash, usually raised red spots or hives on the stomach, back, arms and face," notes Dr. Lombardo. "While we don't know why it occurs, some experts believe that it has to do with the adverse effects of stress on the immune system-histamine is released, causing these itchy bumps." Deep breathing may keep rashes at bay, or from developing in the first place. So, next time you feel your stress level rising, place your hand right above your belly button. "Every time you inhale, you want your hand to rise; with each exhale, it lowers. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths periodically throughout the day."

6. Nausea
Have you ever been worried about a loved one's (or your own) health condition, Googled it and suddenly felt nauseated? "Stress can upset the stomach, and nausea can be a byproduct of worry," says Mandel, who warns against playing "Google MD." Worrying about your health or a loved one's is normal, but obsessing about it is unhealthy. If your anxiety is causing nausea, try this trick that Mandel swears by: Let tepid water run over your fingers; it's believed to keep nausea at bay.

7. Sleepiness
Feeling sluggish? It could be stress. "Stress hormones cause your body to surge with adrenaline and then crash into sleepiness," says Mandel. "Stress will also ruin the quality of your sleep, so you wake up tired and irritable." What to do? Go to bed earlier, says Mandel, or catch a 30-minute nap midday, and don't feel guilty about doing so. "There is great productivity in rest," she says. "You come back more focused!"

8. Forgetfulness
Ask any woman who is trying to do it all and she'll admit to a few slip-ups in the memory department (forgotten appointments, lost keys, missing cell phone-ring a bell?). "Research shows that chronic stress can literally shrink the size of the hippocampus, which is responsible for some memories," says Dr. Lombardo. "Luckily, its size will go back to normal once your stress level reduces." Want to keep your brain functioning at an optimal level? Combat the first signs of stress with exercise, she says: "Go for a walk, run up a flight of stairs or dance around to the newest Black Eyed Peas tune." Exercise, she adds, keeps your brain sharp and may even help you be more prepared for future stressful moments.

9. Confusion
You can't decide what to make for dinner, what to wear to work or which exit to take off the freeway. Stress causes distraction and lack of focus, says Mandel. "Stress hormones lodge longest in the brain," she says. To restore focus, take a walk, she says. "Move the stress out of your body by exercising large muscle groups like the legs. You will gain clarity. Walk out in the light and you'll reset your natural rhythm while you move out the stress. Sunlight helps the body release serotonin to improve mood, and vitamin D helps you improve your immune system-a great perk."

(mmg betul ap yg dikatekan di atas kalo kite stress...kite akan alami semo 2..)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

hai...i'm new blogger...hehhe...dont know wat to write..
so just to say i'm lonely...hehehe...be fren of mine ya...